Nowhere near perfect for 97% of the American people.
And that's a long cry from simply being "not perfect".
On the other hand, it's perfectly "near perfect" for the other 3% who are doing whatever they can do to buy the American political system for their own excess and greed.
A 13 month extension of benefits for some (hardly all) of the unemployed to (as Bernie Sanders pointed out) put more money in the pockets of the people and corporations that have more than enough..is utterly ridiculous!
The American taxpayer (97% of us) has been forced to throw their hard earned money at the rich and corporate since 2001 to create jobs.
What America has to show for it is 9.8% unemployme
The number of Americans who might benefit from this extension is fractional compared to the large base of unemployed
If this "deal" can't cover all of the past, current and future unemployed, why would we take good money and throw it after bad to line the bulging pockets of such a small percentage of Americans who are doing quite well already??
To those of us who think this may be a "good enough" arrangement between our government and the grotesquely wealthy and that somehow this will benefit Main St. America if only but to a small extent...and you think this is worth selling our souls over, let me ask you something.
Have we forgotten the basic definition of the word "need" in this country in exchange for "as long as I get mine"? Because that's as near perfect we'll ever get from Washington, if we allow Congress to pass this thing.
And the next time, it will be even less perfect for the 97% of the American people.
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