Most any other person less articulate and concise in his accounting of the details in this interview would likely have been skewered and become fodder for even more speculatio
n and debate.
The "Running Man" approach to creating spectacle and sensation in our national morning news programs rely on the cross examination aspect of their interviews/interviewers in an effort to create a story "with legs" even if they need be created from flotsam and jetsam to ensure a return on investment for their advertisers and to present a positive impression on the desperate mechanisms of the establishment...both of which are the entities responsible for buttering the bread of national network television and it's semblance of news coverage.
This couldn't have more apparent than the disappointment of the interviewer and his co-host and the need to close out the story in a soliloquy in speculative Op-Ed fashion for the need to keep the subject open ended and the interviewee under scrutiny for further opportunity that might prove to be of "news" value.
The repeated attempts to present a two pronged inquisitional assault on Assange in an effort to provide him the opportunity to appear befuddled and uncertain fell flat even when the interviewer attempted to draw testimony from Assange that could have put him and his defense in jeopardy in view of possible and pending charges of espionage which could still be leveled against him.
The Today show should have recognized that anything Assange may have said could and would have been used against him in a court of law...but the interviewer pressed on as though it were his place to ask.
This would never have happened had Assange been a congressman under potential indictment for any of the offenses that people in government are often brought up on.
Make up your own mind(s).
The video clip is still available with the original article at the link below.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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