If this country can slide by on the single bullet theory... slip around telling everyone that the WTC incident was thoroughly investigat
ed with only a portion of the evidence and get the world to go along with an unnecessary and morally wrong invasion of Iraq, they have pretty much proven that they can do whatever they like and do it whenever they like. But that doesn't by a long shot make any of these things true. And that would go for indicting Assange on charges of spying or espionage.
Bear in mind, many sources who have been looking into this...(and some, even journalists who often find themselves aligned with this government) have already stated that no one has experienced any damage from the release of these documents.
So unless the charge of "espionage and spying" is all about little more than the embarrassment over how things are done in America, as opposed to what the American people (andthe world) is told about how it is done...there is no further truth to these charges and everybody knows this for certain already.
Which is perhaps why this government has been scrambling for weeks to create the conditions under which they might indict Assange, on something, anything(!) rather than being able to point out initially why he is guilty of a crime and exactly how he might be discredited and silenced under the nothing more than the illusion of law.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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