Thursday, February 18, 2010

Austin Plane Crash: Office Building Hit In Northwestern Austin, Texas (VIDEO)

It's unfortunate that people are driven to such desperation that they will endanger others and end their own lives to make a statement.

Sadder still is the fact that due to this act, very few willl see what truth there is in the message he left behind even though on places like this and other comment forums, it can be seen everyday and many Americans agree with his sentiments and frustration.

His actions are reprehensible but his message is not so far off in pointing out that our system of gov't is (perhaps) irreparably broken and the American people are being farmed for capital and property. This is all done with the indoctrination that Americans have equal rights when it has become more and more obvious that the elite have a set of rights that far exceed that of the common person of Main street. Our input to the process of gov't is pretty much limited to voting for one candidate or another who has been hand picked by the keepers of the status quo and a media owned by the elite who wish to retain the unequal rights they are privileged to and the continuation of the same.

Say what you will about his methods and his maddness and the endangerment that he wreclessly exercised with his actions, but his message is valid in many aspects.

It's a wake up call for all of us to consider what works in today's America, what doesn't and what hasn't for sometime.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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