Thursday, February 25, 2010

Missile Defense Agency Logo Upsets Right: Comparisons To Obama Campaign, Islamic Crescent

When a simple little agency symbol amounting to no more than a letterhead, which wouldn't even be used for mass public consumption can create such negative buzz as to have interest groups wring their hands over its perceived similarities to 1000 other 3 color insignias in common use, is there any wonder why America is 50 years behind itself in so many of the real and crucial issues that actually matter to daily life and gov't in this country???

The dollars alone that will be spent on the design and redesign of this sort of thing and the time spent in salaries for staff meetings over it is further indicative of how out of touch with our real financial issues people remain and what sort of priorities our elected and appointed officials spend their time deliberating on while "Rome" reaches its flash point.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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