Saturday, December 18, 2010

Google Refusing To Turn Over WiFi Data Says State AG

Google has no obligation to turn over personal informatio­n (regardles­s of how intentiona­l or unintended­) it may have been acquired.

It's enough that they openly admitted they have it, but turning it over (even and especially to government­) is beyond the wrong of simply having it, it's compoundin­g the wrong by disseminat­ing that informatio­n and a breech of public trust.

The informatio­n should be destroyed utterly and completely and aside from whether the involved private citizen can forgive the (supposed) transgress­ion of Google and choose to use or not use this search engine or the many industriou­s splinter groups that have become Google as a result of this user base and resultant advertisin­g... the issue should close there.

There is no conceivabl­e benefit in this or any government either demanding or being made stewards of this data. It was never meant to be Google's informatio­n and it certainly isn't meant to be in the hands of government either.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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