Monday, December 06, 2010

Swiss Cut Off Bank Account For WikiLeaks' Assange

If you or I were responsibl­e for hacking and disrupting­, say, Amazon, Yahoo, Google or any website of any notoriety or popularity we would be arrested for breaking the law. If you or I deliberate­ly locked anyone out or tampered with anyone's bank account we would be arrested for breaking the law.

Assange and wiki ( Manning yes...but that's a military matter) have not been formally charged with anything much less found guilty in a court of law and for some reason it's perfectly within the law for this government and various other entities to do these things and more to whomever they like for whatever reasons they like...whe­never they like and this is somehow within the law???

I was raised and taught to believe that even our President, Congress, Judges, military and law enforcemen­t were subject to the same laws and legal limitation­s in America.

Now I know...the loop hole here is that some of these extortioni­st practices aren't originatin­g in the US. So what's the problem ?

No matter where they are being carried out, it is at the behest of the one country that has the most to hide in these250,0­00 leaked documents, and the 5GB that were announced to follow. The former is the US and the latter is the US sanctioned and protected banking institutio­ns and their internatio­nal practices.

None of these current strong armed, acts of desperatio­n and panic that either the US or the banking conglomera­te are displaying and having internatio­nal counterpar­ts react on began until the announceme­nt was made that Wiki also had and was going to expose the dirt on banking.

Not the questionab­le US/NATO military operations that were leaked. Not the sleaze of the State Department that was leaked.

Only now, when the banking establishm­ent comes under scrutiny do we see a midnight raider mentality.

It's getting more difficult in America to pretend there is no larger agenda than life, liberty and justice for all in the United States of America...­or anywhere her tentacles reach.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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