Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Afghan War: 8 Years of Americans Being Kept In The Dark

Whether we stay in Afghanistan or we leave it to it's own self determination (I propose the latter) it's time, once and for all for our government to finally openly state exactly what the need and purpose for our presence there honestly is and to what specific end. It is not the Taliban. And if it is, Afghanistan needs to pony up and handle this or any threat to their country and government the same way we would, the same way Israel does and every other country that isn't afforded the luxury of having billions of American dollars and thousands of American troops at their bidding for their personal "homeland security". That being said, the reason we are in Afghanistan is not bin Laden either. If you or I or anyone else in our own country "disappeared" for 7 years, we would be pronounced as legally dead and our possessions would be placed in estate to be divided between our next of kin. Well, aside from the occasional video or audio tape, which may or may not actually be Osama, I think it's safe to say that if he is not dead, he is most certainly an inert element in this Afghanistan mix, having no affect on Afghani existence one way or the other.

The reasons we are in Afghanistan appears to many Americans to be no more than a military expansion and strong hold to further destabilize other countries in the Middle East and ensure both a means to improve the opportunities to encroach upon Iran and Syria in order to ultimately enable the prospect of a land based delivery system (pipeline) for fossil fuels. In the end, all of this amounts to just so much speculation however, because Americans have not been factually informed on what the preoccupation is that their taxes, military and government are being put to use for. I think it's time that we genuinely begin to demand an honest explanation. 8 years without one...and we cannot afford to remain silent any longer. Ditto for Iraq.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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