Friday, October 16, 2009

Senate Health Care Bill Will Get Every Democrat's Vote, Says Baucus

Having this health care bill, as it is, meet with bipartisan approval isn't going to make it for for the needs of the people or the consumer protection required for an industry gone wild with gouging an already injured consumer base.

This needs to be a tripartite bill with the third party in approval being the American people. Over 65% of the people in multiple polls have favored a bill that includes a public option with no hard lines drawn, but a strong preference being shown for a single payer platform similar to other existing systems elsewhere.

President Obama must show resolve in which ever bill he either vetoes or signs into law based on our future as a nation capable of the intelligence and compassion to tend to its own as even many lesser nations do.

The passage of a compromise bill into law which will require an overhaul within a decade or so is not likely ever get the attention a second time that it has now and will remain broken and falling almost immediately.

It is our duty to remember which Representative or Senator that does not ultimately vote according to the will of the people and the best possible health care option available and make certain that their political careers come to an abrupt close in the very next election cycle. Unfortunately, this would include our President himself if he can not show the leadership to provide for the needs of the people on this issue.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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