Thursday, October 15, 2009

Foreclosures: 'Worst Three Months Of All Time'

You can dish out bail outs all day long, but if you don't have any regulations with teeth in them to prohibit the very same business behavior that fueled the original problem, the stimulus won't stimulate and the bad practices will continue to drag the country and the economy down.

As things are, someone could have just driven by the houses of these housing jackels and just threw money out a car window and onto their lawns.

This failure to regulate the hundreds of billions which has in effect only further mortgaged America's future isn't human error. It's strategic. It's incompetent. It's "strategic incompetence".

A great way to placate the American people and appease the banks and the housing industry while serving, not the people, but the lobbyists.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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