Thursday, January 28, 2010

Alito Mouths 'NOT TRUE' At State Of The Union (VIDEO)

And now, even our Supreme Court Justices, are refusing recogonize a bit of proper decorum for any but their own political positions.

A Justice would never stand for so much as a shake of the head and a mouthed insinuation to express dissatisfaction with they way they get things done in their court room.

But this one feels within his boundaries to do so to the president in a joint session and SOTU address on national television.?

This guy was a bad choice for a lifetime position in a body of people who have such a powerful voice in the highest levels of American law.

And based on this last decision rendered soley to the benefit of Corporate America and the detriment of our democratic were at least 4 others.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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