Thursday, January 07, 2010

Obama Tells House Democrats He Supports Senate Tax On Cadillac Health Care Plans

There still seems to be an inordinate amount of concern for the preferences of the insurance companies rather than the people.

If the dwindling middle class must accept new legislation as it is presented to them (whether it is what was promised or is tastefully acceptable or not) then why all the finagling to find a program acceptable to the whims of the insurance industry? This country was founded on the rights of the people, not on the "rights" of industry and the interest of corporate Kings.

Had our legislators kept this foremost in mind, perhaps we could have had a single pay or public option program like countries with existing universal health care programs already do, and we wouldn't be reinventing the wheel now and making things twice as lengthy or complicated as they remain to be.

America was established to serve the people, not industry and corporate entities.

Until that ideal returns to American government, it can no longer profess to be a workable form of government for the American people.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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