Sunday, January 10, 2010

Obama Weekly Address: President Details Changes In Health Care Legislation (VIDEO)

I'm not hearing a whole lot of what the people were told in Minnesota...or in the speech made to Congress when the drive to begin health care reform began.

Everyone will need to acquire insurance...but from who? The same leeches that were selling Americans out for generations in the first place?

And if this bill should follow the bulk of the other bills and programs that have come forth in the last year...there will be loop holes for the insurance industries, so large, they'll be able to drive a (omni)bus through them. In the wake of the multiple failed bailouts is there any reason to expect otherwise?

This was not what we were told we should expect in health care reform in view of the 36 other countries providing their citizens with more accessible health care opportunities.

Perhaps it would have been prudent to have said nothing publicly at the onset of this reformation and then perhaps people would have been happy with whatever scraps of progress they were ultimately offered.

Instead we have gone from "near perfect" to "good" to "good enough" to "not nearly enough" to "better" to "better than nothing".

It's very hard to get positively excited about "better than nothing" when so many other poorer and less endowed countries have managed to achieve more lofty goals and aspirations for providing their citizenry, health care.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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