Sunday, November 07, 2010

Eric Cantor Opposes Compromise On Extending Bush Tax Cuts, Says Government Shutdown Will Be Obama's Fault

Well, there he is again. Bold as life.

The newest wonder boy and future presidential hopeful of the GOP... Eric Cantor.

We'll be seeing a whole lot of this guy between now and 2012 (or 2016).

But how he or anyone can make the declaration at this point that any lack of progress in Congress will be the president's fault is insane.

These are two separate, individual branches of our government.

The president can only sign off on those bills that are passed by Congress and delivered to him.

Is Cantor saying that is Congress (Legislative branch) can't even get a bill to the president, (Executive branch) that this would somehow be Obama's fault?

It's not accurate (lie) and an obvious razzle dazzle to misdirect the American people on the very basics of American government..
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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