Saturday, November 06, 2010

GOP Plan Hit On All Sides: Not Far Enough For Tea Party, Doesn't Make Sense To Economists

Yet another issue that has become little more than the trials and tribulations of the rich and famous in the "green zone" that is DC, rather than the back story which is basically how legislation in America for the country and the people is in a state of stagnation with little to nothing being done to move this country in any direction at all...neither left, right or somewhere in between.

All we've been hearing is how difficult it is for either party to grapple and secure more power for themselves as opposed to doing what they were elected and sent to the green zone (DC) to do...address and remedy the needs of this country.

We're so far behind, we're practically running up on the heels of ourselves!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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