Monday, November 08, 2010

Martin Erzinger, Morgan Stanley Wealth Manager, Won't Face Felony Charges For Hit-And-Run

Ok, this aristocratic, dual system of justice just keeps getting worse and worse.

At what point does someone (anyone) call this sort of judicial latitude and preferential treatment of establishment figures, politicians and finance barons into question on a national level as an affront to our sensibilities and our constitution?

A blind man can see that in 2010 America all men and women are no longer made to so much as even appear to be created equal in a court of law.

People are shot to death by rented security personnel while handcuffed and held on the floor of train stations with below minimal prudence of the laws that apply to everyone else and given a fraction of the punishment the average American would receive while financiers are given a pass for hit and run and fleeing the scene of an accident.

This double standard of justice that continues to grow and continue unchecked is worse than having no constitution at all.

Where is the check and balance for the judicial branch of this government??
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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