Thursday, January 28, 2010

Alito Mouths 'NOT TRUE' At State Of The Union (VIDEO)

And now, even our Supreme Court Justices, are refusing recogonize a bit of proper decorum for any but their own political positions.

A Justice would never stand for so much as a shake of the head and a mouthed insinuation to express dissatisfaction with they way they get things done in their court room.

But this one feels within his boundaries to do so to the president in a joint session and SOTU address on national television.?

This guy was a bad choice for a lifetime position in a body of people who have such a powerful voice in the highest levels of American law.

And based on this last decision rendered soley to the benefit of Corporate America and the detriment of our democratic were at least 4 others.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, January 23, 2010

CIA Avenges Suicide Bombing With Barrage Of Predator Drones

"OK...Who gave the C.I.A. the Predator Drones?

Now we've told the Pentagon again and again that only they get to play with the drones. The C.I.A. gets all the cool listening devices, survellience sats, international agents, helicopters a bunch of really cool cars, a complete database on everybody on the frakkin' planet and unlimited dry cleaning for those black suits the agency boys insist on wearing....

You guys already get to run the drug operations and the covert stuff everywhere! When is it enough for you guys?

But listen up, team! I only want to say this once.

The Predator Drones and where they get thrown at people is strictly off limits for civilian intel agencies.

That stuff, along with the phosphorus bombs, the depleted uranium, the fleet of Humvees, the really cool jets with the heat seeking armament and stuff like that is strictly for the guys in uniform in our military.

I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings but theresa constitution and a chain of command...and we have to still abide by it until we finally render the darn thing pointless...We're working on it, ok? But give me a break. Rome wasn't destroyed in a day!

Don't make me have to tell you again.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rise In Secret Bill Writing In Washington

No matter how long or how much of this nonsense goes on, some people still want to hang tight on the divisional aspects of party and ideology as the problem.

For Main St. there certainly is a problem. For Capitol Hill, everything is running like clock work.

And as long as everyone clings to this being a matter of left vs right, conservative vs liberal, Republican vs Democrat, this gov't which consists of but one party is free to do as they please and drag their feet on the needs of the people while moving forward with an agenda that has never been disclosed to the American people but remains a topic of conversation only in elite circles of business and in the back rooms of gov't.

The divisional properties of party and ideology as simply a means to difuse and redirect the anger of a distraught public and offer an ever shifting target for that displeasure while the machine of gov't conveniently moves on it's own accord towards whatever it intends to do and has intended to do for a century or more.
Perhaps it's time we as a populace should begin to hold government itself responsible for ethical behavior and producing the desired and promised results that a free society has demanded of it all along.
It doesn't matter which party "takes the hit" or appears to be responsible for the failure of existing or pending legislation.
Perhaps it's time we made it known of our displeasure with gov't as a whole and make Congress and the president accountable as a whole.
It's due time to strip gov't of the double blind it has created through the media and let our elected politicians know that hiding behind party lines is not going to afford either party absolution from the accountability they accepted when they were elected and swore an oath to this country and her people.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Protest Against America's Toughest Sheriff Turns Violent in Arizona

The gov't here and elsewhere realize that the sting of being labaled a terrizt is not long for this world and a very hard sell to make when neighbors begin hearing that people they know are being arrested for peacful assembies as the constitution mandates they should be allowed to.

In a world (NWO) where domestic uprisings are sure to become a more frequent event, we're now being bombarded more and more often with the word "anarchist" because that other word isn't going to cut it for classifying everybody.

As sad or as ominous as it may be we'd better get used to it, just as we have gotten used to seeing our police forces no longer simply in uniform but in full paramiltary (swat) gear for even the most benign public gathering and events.

I say "get used to it" but I'm not implying that we endorse, accept or enbrace any of it as if it were a good thing.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Obama Weekly Address: President Details Changes In Health Care Legislation (VIDEO)

I'm not hearing a whole lot of what the people were told in Minnesota...or in the speech made to Congress when the drive to begin health care reform began.

Everyone will need to acquire insurance...but from who? The same leeches that were selling Americans out for generations in the first place?

And if this bill should follow the bulk of the other bills and programs that have come forth in the last year...there will be loop holes for the insurance industries, so large, they'll be able to drive a (omni)bus through them. In the wake of the multiple failed bailouts is there any reason to expect otherwise?

This was not what we were told we should expect in health care reform in view of the 36 other countries providing their citizens with more accessible health care opportunities.

Perhaps it would have been prudent to have said nothing publicly at the onset of this reformation and then perhaps people would have been happy with whatever scraps of progress they were ultimately offered.

Instead we have gone from "near perfect" to "good" to "good enough" to "not nearly enough" to "better" to "better than nothing".

It's very hard to get positively excited about "better than nothing" when so many other poorer and less endowed countries have managed to achieve more lofty goals and aspirations for providing their citizenry, health care.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Nine Months Later, Obama Plan To Help 1.5 Million Struggling Homeowners Yet To Launch

Very hard to get this thing rolling when each time a measure is implemented it can't get into or out of Congress without being stepped on like a street bag of coke from the 80's.

From presidential appointees to Senators and Representatives to final signature, these programs end up with strategic loop holes and weasel clauses that remove all the good it might have held in principle and bears no teeth to make corporate America comply with the original intent of the program... which was to improve the economy, not the financial footing of the housing/banking industry.

It's beyond unfortunate. I believe initially, President Obama had his heart in the right place and now, in the light of a Washington day, he is as surprised and disappointed as any of us with the limited service our system can actuall deliver to the people and for it's own maintenance in these current times.

Of course he is neither blameless for adding to these obsticles or solely to blame.

It just appears, that in the wake of the callousness of the last few administrations, the greed of Wall St. and industry, the incompetence and self serving nature of Congress, the subordinate approach to corporate America shown by his appointees and his own unwillingness to stand in opposition to those same people and forces...there is little less than a clean slate either with or without President Obama that will solve our current social and econimic problems and put America back on track.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, January 08, 2010

'Afghan Insurgency Can Sustain Itself Indefinitely,' Top U.S. Intel Chief Says

As long as there is but one random act of violence anywhere on the planet where the perpetrator can be associated with Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Nigeria, Iran, Palesitine, Yemin or a half dozen other primarily Muslim influenced countries, it will be called "terrorism" and the US and British led NATO will take it as a call to continue their mission and crusade to further occupy soveriegn nations in the name of "global security".

Meanwhile, in Dafur and other parts of Africa, hundreds of thousands of people are being killed and brutalized by machette weilding conscripted citizen armies led by power driven warlords whose brutality shadows that of the past 10 years of AQ, the Taliban or Hamas combined.

And in America (according to the FBI web site) approximately 17,000 souls per year are lost to homicide on the streets and in the home across the US.

The response to "global security" is misplaced, misdirected and out of proportion for the majority of the people on the globe who remain to be victimized by whatever existing barbarians there are doing them harm, for whatever the cause or for none at all but the most base of human nature.

If America and the western alliance insists on deploying untold weapons, troops and mercenaries to stem the increase of organized or random violent insanity in this world, their efforts are wasted and their ulterior motives are painfully transparent to anyone capable of seeing and thinking.

We are not providing "global security" neither here or abroad. We are following a self serving agenda and portraying the terror we contribute to the ME as heroic and noble.
But it is neither.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Obama Tells House Democrats He Supports Senate Tax On Cadillac Health Care Plans

There still seems to be an inordinate amount of concern for the preferences of the insurance companies rather than the people.

If the dwindling middle class must accept new legislation as it is presented to them (whether it is what was promised or is tastefully acceptable or not) then why all the finagling to find a program acceptable to the whims of the insurance industry? This country was founded on the rights of the people, not on the "rights" of industry and the interest of corporate Kings.

Had our legislators kept this foremost in mind, perhaps we could have had a single pay or public option program like countries with existing universal health care programs already do, and we wouldn't be reinventing the wheel now and making things twice as lengthy or complicated as they remain to be.

America was established to serve the people, not industry and corporate entities.

Until that ideal returns to American government, it can no longer profess to be a workable form of government for the American people.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

NYT On Housing Crisis: 'Things Didn't Have To Get This Bad' But We Can Still 'Avert The Worst'

"We can still avert the worst."

Gone are the days when our national incentives were to strive make things better than anyone else and do it correctly the first time around.

We have finally been reduced to the realms of "it could be worse" and the minimist goal that we may "still avert the worst".

Is it any wonder that our health care "reform" went from "best" to "2nd best" to "good" to "good enough" to "hardly what was required" and ultimately "better than nothing"...when gov't cares more to cater to needs of big business than the needs people of America?

Bailout after bailout to the housing/credit industry, insurance industry, automobile industry are not proving fruitful in any instance because there was no regulation to bring the behavior of these corporate interests in line with any thing less than the Sodom and Gomorrah retelling that they have been renacting at the people's expense since prior to the great depression.

There must be a good reason for the gov't to make these tax payer provided funds readily available with no quarter drawn for the prescribed and proper use of the money, all the while insisting publicly that this will be the solution needed to restore the economy.

And a reason is becoming more and more apparent...and it is neither good, noble or proving to be of much good to anyone but the elected politicians and the industries abusing the free "surge" in their avilable capital.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost