Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dan Rather Lawsuit Against CBS TOSSED In Entirety

So this falls under the sub-title that, you'll never win when you take on the media moguls. Did the courts even bother to validate Rather's story on whether or not Bush was given preferential treatment during his Vietnam War-era service in the Texas Air National Guard? Or was the money all that mattered? The bigger debate (and more frightening for CBS) was why he was released and whether or not the story that got him fired was true and factual to begin with... provided anyone was interested in the pursuit of justice. If this was the case, the money is secondary and payment could have been dismissed. But a truth and a blatant unfairness and cover up could have been none the less exposed and revealed. The press,including (and especially) the major networks were bound and gagged when it came to questioning the Bush administration. But I see this did not concern the court very much. It's all "show me the money!"
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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