Wednesday, September 02, 2009

U.S. To Boost Combat Force In Afghanistan With 14,000 Troops

I voted for Obama, too.

Since his coming to term, he has back tracked on these issues and others to the point where they are almost indistinquishable to those of the previous administration which in speeches he railed against and promised to reverse.

I'm convinced at this point that the system will only allow us the option to vote for one of the two candidates (one on the left and one on the right) that best represent the advance and continuation of the status quo and who will continue the same course that has been engineered by industry and big money in America.
Making matters worse the press is part of that push in each presidential election, swaying public opinion and ensuring the success of either heir apparent they are directed to.
It's unfortunate. Obama appeared to represent a definitive change for America. All we seem to be getting for all that lip service is more of the same, with a new tact being taken by the administration in informing the public of what is going on and the delivery of rhetoric that makes the same tired national approaches and agendas more palatable to the masses.

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