Monday, September 21, 2009

McChrystal Afghanistan Assessment: More Forces Or "Mission Failure"

"Mission failure"??? Uh, what's the "mission" this week? Is it to bring democracy to the Afghans? Is it to neutralize the Taliban? Is it all for the capture of Osama? Is it to help Karzai maintain the poppy production, which is Afghan's only GNP? Is it a neat place to test and deploy some our more advanced and unmanned equipment? Is it just a policing action to enhance our own foot print in the middle east? Is it to have a presence in and near Pakistan, finally? Or is it to secure the geography so a pipeline can be built and made secure to route oil and thus eliminate the need for other middle east countries to use expensive tankers to get product to the world market? Pick one already, please. So we'll know what to expect when we decide to undertake a similar "mission" in Iran at the first opportunity. "Mission failure"??? You gotta have a mission, first.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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