Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Public Option Amendments Fail In Senate Finance Committee

National polls have shown that (of those polled) 65% of the American people are in favor of the public option. SO why the debate? Unless the message behind it all is that we are not truly represented and what the people may want in this instance or any other is irrelevant. We are not governed by the will of the people. We are ruled by the few and the elite who will decide what they think is best for us. It is time for us to flood these "servants of the people" with emails, letters and phone calls until they wake up and listen to the voice of the people! Then write down their names so you can help vote them out in their next bid for election. I sure hope this gives some perspective to the flag waving, rah-rah crowd and the "let's bring democracy to other countries" set. Who's going to bring democracy to America?? Because it was nowhere to be found on the Senate Finance committee today. Damned Skippy!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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