Friday, September 18, 2009

Maybe..."it can't happen here".

In spite of my own personal doubts I have been a staunch supporter of the principles and possibilities that our leadership and representatives could in fact deliver on the promise of an all encompassing health care reform package that would shore up the medical needs of millions of Americans who are either uninsured and/or under insured due to the predatory nature of the industries connected with it and the fiscal motivation of those who make policy. I support the cause probably more than most and would like to think that a plan will emerge that will generally (and finally) beneift the American people.

But as the facts roll out about Senators on commitees that are "gifted" millions of dollars by the very industries that would be "brought in and online" for such a program, for the sole purpose of having them legislate policy that would ultimately primarily benefit those industries and the status quo, it giving me great pause, second thoughts and lack of hope for the medical relief of the American people.

Read more at:

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