Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Public Option Debate Poised To Explode In Senate Tuesday

I got an idea, get these grifters to stop modeling their Brooks brothers suits, get them in jeans and working clothes like the majority of Americans wear, put them in chamber and lock the doors from the outside until they come up with something that truly serves the people of America. Make them stop the posturing and the false sincerity and pompus "gentlemen" stump speeches and speak in plain down home terms and stop skirting around every tangent outlying the issue and get something done without hiding behind the formalities. And then, once they've hashed something out, let the peope vote on it. Sure that might be expensive, but we spend lots more in the country for less. And let's start replacing tv sitcoms, reality TV and CSI dramas with live coverage from the floor on every channel so the American people can't avoid but get a little civic information to replace the mindless "entertainment" that helps keep them in the dark on these issues and who actually works in gov't and who is just taking up oxygen....Oh, if only I ruled the world!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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